The stilt walkers from HOCHKANT at the Bremen Light Festival

For the stilt walkers from HOCHKANT, the Hanseatic city of Bremen is a popular venue. We have been represented in Bremen with our stilt walkers for many years. We would like to report in more detail about one of our performances in the Hanseatic city here.

Like many other artists, we were represented as a show act at the Lichtertreiben, which was integrated into other light events with installations on Bremen's market square over several days. We were there with six Stilt artists On site: Luca, Jenni, Mareike, Kerstin, Nina and Sabine. There were also two volunteers who were interested in what was happening. We shared our large backstage area with another group of friends who are part of the stilt walking group.

Preparations for the show in a great atmosphere

The city was full on both evenings and the event was well received. The atmosphere was great and the weather was good. We were there very early so that we could do a run-through on the market square in peace. Then we set up the costumes and checked the technology again. Everything went as planned. After dinner we changed into costumes and then it started on time: Six Chameleons trotted towards the market square and waited there on the edge behind the show that was currently running until our music started. Then we started our light animations of the costumes. The show started!

leuchtendes Chamäleon auf Stelzen

Enthusiasm and interaction with the audience

One by one, the chameleons came into the large circle surrounded by spectators. The show revolved around a ball that the chameleons found. This influenced the colors and animations of the animals. At the end there was a colorful dance with our unique LED stick, which showed pictures and ignited a fountain at the end. 

After the brilliant applause, the chameleons slowly snaked their way through the enthusiastic spectators and entertained the rest of the large crowd in the square with their interactions. Many laughing and amazed faces could be seen

leuchtende Chamäleons in Bremen

All shows were shown twice that evening. So after a break backstage, the show started again. The place hadn't emptied and the great atmosphere had remained.

The next day we had a bit of time to ourselves before we performed two more shows followed by a walk act. Once again, the atmosphere was wonderful and we were rewarded with applause from the enthusiastic audience.

Late in the evening we celebrated our success and then the next day we put the chameleons to sleep in their suitcases and brought them home. 

It was a pleasure for us to have been a part of the Bremen light festival!