Home game: The stilt walkers from HOCHKANT at the Hannover Adventure Zoo

In June 2023, the Stilt artists von Hochkant went to Hannover Zoo six times, every Friday and Saturday, for the “Night of Experiences”, an event in which around 50 artists performed on various stages and as walking acts several times a night and attracted a total of around 10,000 visitors. The event took place for the second time.

Our walking acts at the Night of Experiences 2023 at Hannover Zoo

We had already been to Hannover Zoo three times in previous years as walking acts. An incredibly beautiful setting! We were always two people, with our big Dragons and a colored Beings of light.

The stilt walkers Sara, Jutta, Michaela, Wiebke and Nina shared the appointments in Hanover. Sometimes we were there with our bus and sometimes with our new converted van. We were allowed to stand on the so-called farm track, the path that goes directly around the zoo and is still part of the grounds, but can only be used by employees. Very interesting to be able to take a look behind the scenes here too. An old VW bus that was used as decoration in the zoo was "parked" in front of us. 

We used both cars as backstage and climbing areas, as the weather was wonderful all six times. From there we went straight through a large sliding gate into the area.

Drache schaut über einen Zaun
farbiges Lichtwesen im Zoo Hannover

The atmosphere was great, as was the weather, the zoo itself and of course all of our colleagues there. So, as always, it was a lot of fun to be out and about as a walking act in Hanover, even if the huge dragon didn't actually get any further than the polar bears. Simply too big. At least it fit under the rope of a slackline artist who was walking above us. That doesn't happen very often. 

Unfortunately, we couldn't see much of the other artists, just what we could see from our stilts. But whenever we wanted, we were given treats from one or another food truck. 

Those were really 6 very nice evenings!