Nina Scholz

HOCHKANT is led by co-founder Nina Scholz. She is a stilt walker, percussionist/musician, fire and light artist, (costume) designer and also a drum and percussion teacher and graphic designer and actually has a degree in cultural studies.

As a child she mainly took piano, flute and ballet lessons and was a member of several choirs. In her youth she was a member of the Dancing Theater Wolfsburg. She started African drumming at the age of 17 and completed percussion training with Puma Hoberg (djembé and bass drums) and Anne Breick (including congas/Cuba, Cajon, Brasil and pop). For 14 years she was a member of the modern dance company “Ars Saltandi”. Hildesheim.

In 2004 she founded HOCHKANT. Here she can combine her passions and continue to express herself creatively. She gives HOCHKANT her style with her costume creations, show concepts and choreographies.